The Flywheel Effect

To: Millennial Money Readers

March 6, 2024

Upcoming Event

Unlocking Freedom (+ Live Q&A)
Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 7:00 pm ET

It’s been a few years since I’ve done a free event or live Q&A. In this event, I’ll share my biggest money-making insights from the past year, preview my new book, and share my reflections on eight years of financial independence. You can also ask me anything.

Sign Up Here

New Podcast Episodes

In preparation for launching my new book in March 2025, I rebranded my podcast to the Grant Sabatier Podcast since I’ll explore topics beyond financial freedom. If there are any topics you want me to discuss or guests you think would be great for the show just hit reply and let me know.

I’ve recently published two new episodes and I’m excited to release more in the near future.

EP 45 - Money As Energy w/ Charles Eisenstein
iTunes | Spotify

Charles is an inspiring teacher, speaker, and author who writes about diverse topics, including the history of human civilization, ecology, and economics. His book Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, & Society in the Age of Transition is one of the best books I've read. I couldn't put it down. I also enjoyed his book The Yoga of Eating. I was honored to have Charles Eisenstein on the show, where we dive into money, consciousness, climate, giving, and more.

EP 46 - How To Sell For $1.5 Billion w/ Haroon Mokhtarzada
iTunes | Spotify

In this episode, I chat with Haroon Mokhtarzada, serial entrepreneur and CEO of Rocket Money, about how he grew and sold his second company TrueBill to Rocket Companies for $1.5 Billion and how he escaped feeling lost after the acquisition. We also dive into the most critical metrics in any business if you want to grow, as well as the opportunities and challenges of taking on outside investors. Haroon shares his simple framework for whether it makes sense to get investors or keep your freedom and more.

What I'm Reading and Listening To

Martha Inc. by Christopher M. Byron (Book)

I picked this up in a used bookstore recently and loved it. Martha Stewart is a master at building media companies and I enjoyed learning how she built her empire. Some of my biggest takeaways were around how she created an aspirational brand. We see this now on social media of course, but Martha was able to understand her audience because she was her audience.

The Coming Wave by Mustafa Suleyman (Book)

The Coming Wave is the best book I’ve read on AI so far and highlights the far-reaching implications at the forefront of artificial intelligence. While a vast majority of my investments are still in index funds, I’ve been investing in more private companies over the past year. I recently had the opportunity to invest in Figure AI and while I haven’t bought into all the AI hype, it's clear this is a systemic shift in our world.

Bill Ackman on the Lex Friedman Podcast (Podcast & Video)

In this interview billionaire Bill Ackman breaks down he evaluates companies and the evolution of value investing. This section alone is worth the listen. I was also intrigued by his focus on investing in restaurants, how he only invests in a small handful of companies, and Bill’s discussion of how much he learns from books.

Tim Ferriss: How I Wrote 5 #1 NYT Bestsellers on the How I Write Podcast (Podcast & Video)

I recently turned in the manuscript for my second book (more on that soon!) and I’ve been reflecting on book writing. It just takes so much effort to write a book - I spent 2,800 hours writing Financial Freedom and my recent book took even more time. The big question is always, will this be worth it? Tim Ferriss does a great job dissecting how he writes and how to decide if you should write a book. If you’re a writer or interested in writing a book this is a much watch.